Dr Chirag J Shah – Appendix Doctor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Appendix Doctor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat



An appendix is a known medical term and most of the people must be aware of it; it is a small, pouch-like sac of tissues which is located in the first part of the colon in the lower right abdomen and had a size of four inches.  Lymphatic tissue in the appendix helps to immune function. The official name of the appendix is vermiform appendix, it means “worm-like appendage.” The appendix keeps the bacteria which helps with digestion. Dr Chirag J Shah is a specialist in appendix doctor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and other cities like Gandhinagar, Kalol, Mehsana, Anand.


The suffix “it is” means inflammation, so the appendix can be understood as the inflammation of the Appendix. The appendix occurs when mucus, stool or combination blocks, opening of the appendix and leads to the cecum. This blockage infects the lining of the appendix. If the inflammation and blockage increases, the tissue of the appendix can die or burst.


Appendicitis condition is common, 1 out of 15 people face this medical condition. An inflamed appendix can burst and may infect the abdomen. In the problematic Appendix, the patient complains about the pain in the right lowers part of the belly, with nausea and vomiting. The appendix may swell also because of infection, foreign material or a stool. This situation can be life-threatening and leads to an emergency surgical procedure.

Appendectomy is a common surgery performed for the Appendix removal; this surgery takes place because of the inflammation, infection, and rupture of the Appendix.  Appendectomy is one of the Appendix emergency procedures, which takes place for the abdomen. It takes place for the removal of the Appendix.

Appendix Tumors:  Carcinoid tumors in Appendix secrete chemicals that cause diarrhea and wheezing. Another type of tumor is an epithelial tumor which occurs as growth in the appendix it can be benign or cancerous.

If an appendix tumor is discovered through appendectomy and after confirmation with lab tests some additional surgery could be done to remove more tissue according to the requirement. If necessary, patients may be recommended for chemotherapy with the addition of radiation therapy.


For the Painful Appendix, doctors suggest surgery to the patient, an Appendix removal. At Arham Surgical Hospital we provide Laparoscopic Appendix Surgery in the procedure after anesthesia some thin and flexible tubes which contain cameras are inserted through a small incision into the abdomen. Through cameras, the surgeon can look into a TV monitor and could see inside the abdomen to remove the appendix.  Laparoscopic Appendectomy causes less scarring and pain in the comparison of open surgery.

Top Doctor for Appendix Surgery in Ahmedabad

Arham Surgical Hospital is considered as one of the best Appendix removal hospital in Ahmedabad. People come to us with the complaint of sharp abdominal pain every year trying to find a doctor for Appendix treatment in Ahmedabad. Dr Chirag J. Shah has established a name as best Appendix Doctor in Ahmedabad, patients who got the surgery in Arham Surgical Hospital, feedback that they had a successful surgery and have no after surgery complications.

Dr. Shah is the top doctor for Appendix surgery in Ahmedabad. We have done many appendix surgeries of those patients who came to us from out of Ahmedabad and had successful surgery of the Appendix with us. Dr. Chirag J. Shah is known among people as Best Appendix doctors in all areas of Ahmedabad as Satellite, Vastrapur, Shivranjani, Ambawadi, Prahlad Nagar, Ramdev Nagar, Bodakdev and others. He is famous as Leading Appendix Removal Doctor in Ahmedabad who provides the best affordable Appendix operation cost in Ahmedabad.

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